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Marble Falls boys powerlifters win Llano Invitational

CAPTION: Marble Falls powerlifter Jose Solorzano is the Best Lifter for Heavy Platform at the Lampasas Invitational Jan. 25. He was one of several medalists for the Mustangs, who won the team championship. Photo by Martelle Luedecke/Luedecke Photography

The Marble Falls High School boys powerlifting meet added its second overall team title when the Mustangs won the Llano Invitational Jan. 25.

The Mustangs earned 45 points, 12 more than Lampasas, which finished as the runner-up. Marble Falls also won the Burnet Invitational Jan. 11 and finished second at the Lampasas Invitational last week.

“I’m happy,” head coach Richard Scales said. “I love the way we competed.”

The Mustangs had three gold medalists thanks to winning their weight divisions. They are Adan Lopez in the 132-pound division, Aaron Arredondo in the 148-pound division, and Jose Solorzano in the 220-pound division.

Solorzano also was named the Best Lifter for Heavy Platform.

Marble Falls also had three silver medalists: Daniel Dominguez in the 123-pound division, Chase Richard in the 132-pound division, and Aaron Dominguez in the 148-pound division.

David Dominguez was the lone bronze medalist for the team by finishing third in the 132-pound division.

Scales noted the Mustangs had several lifters set new personal records by “pushing their limits and pushing themselves. They improved overall.”

Keaton Proctor’s performance epitomized what Scales teaches about the sport. Going into the deadlift, the team championship was undecided. So the two decided to add 40 more pounds to Proctor’s weight, a total he hadn’t attempted. Scales recalled telling him, “You’re contributing to the team total. Now, go compete.”

To say the coach was pleased with what he saw is an understatement.

“It shot straight up,” he said. “It was so cool to see us react. ‘I’m going to do what I need to do to get this done.’ They can push past their limits.”

The Lady Mustangs finished 10th in the team standings of the girls division.

Alexis Dalton was fifth in the 181-pound division, while MaKenzie Long finished ninth in the 123-pound division.

The coach pointed out Dalton had a squat total of 300 pounds, and he believes she is capable of more weight.

“She wants to be pushed, and we’re trying to find her break limits,” he said. “It was a milestone of hers. She is going to squat 300 pounds — we had that predetermined. I love that she made the weight look light. She was so overwhelmed it blew her to tears. I was proud of Alexis for that. She can continue to drive her numbers up. We’re just now beginning with her.”

He noted Bethany Fry, who was 10th in the 181-pound division, continues to show improvement as she juggles basketball and powerlifting much like Chase Richard does for the Mustangs.

“She’s excelling in both,” Scales said. “I’m really excited to see where she can go. She’s ready for it now and hungry. She deadlifted 285 pounds cause we pushed her. It’s really exciting to see (Fry and Dalton). They’re good friends. The whole girls team is getting closer and closer. It’s pretty exciting. I’d give Bethany newcomer of the week.”

He said the most valuable lifters of the week are Solorzano and Dalton.

Scales noted the three traits about the sport that he loves.

“First, it teaches us that being strong is OK,” he said. “It’s a competitive sport. You compete against yourself. You keep pushing past your limits. You find out it’s limitless. I am strong. I can continue to get stronger.

“Second, the competitor say, ‘I have this chance, this opportunity to medal or gain points for my team,'” he continued. “Every point contributes to that is what got us to that spot. It comes down to get or you don’t.

“And third, the team is bigger than me,” he added. “I’m going to do my very best and rely on me to contribute points, so we can win a plaque. I’ve never had a lifter come to me to have me look at a lift to show off. They have full faith, they believe in each other. When you’re open to it and you get into it, it feels and breaths into each other. How can we make each other better? They’re trying to make their teammates better.”

Marble Falls will take a bye this week and will compete at the Heart of Texas meet in Brady Feb. 8.

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Llano Invitational, Jan. 25

Marble Falls (squat-bench-deadlift–total)

Boys, first in the team standings

123 pounds: 2, Daniel Dominguez, 300-160-350–810; 132 pounds: 1, Adan Lopez, 375-240-460–1,075, 2, Chase Richard, 340-215-365-920, 3, David Dominguez, 340-190-370–900; 148 pounds: 1, Aaron Arredondo, 430-325-435–1,190, 2, Aaron Dominguez, 440-205-420–1,0654, Josue Fonseca, 375-215-350–940; 198 pounds: 3, Logan Hightower, 405-275-415-1,095; 220 pounds: 1, Jose Solorzano, 575-345-525–1,445, 5, Sergio Hernandez, 490-230-475–1,195; 242 pounds: 5, Keaton Proctor, 465-225-445–1,135

Girls, 10th in the team standings

123 pounds: 9, MaKenzie Long, 150-95-170–415; 181 pounds: 5, Alexis Dalton, 300-150-280–730, 8, Abigail Boucher, 280-125-285–690, 10, Bethany Fry, 250-125-285–660, 14, Isabell Medina, 220-125-215–560

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